Dear friends, our wonderful, dedicated and hardworking staff took in 115 dogs in need last night. They worked until well after midnight to care for them and get them all checked in. We are not at liberty to give details about this situation, so please don’t ask. We are just not able to share any information at this point, as much as we’d love to. However, we do want to say thank you so much to all the amazing and generous community members and businesses who are offering donations, volunteering their time, and sharing the message that we need help. We have had people offering to pick up and deliver donations from others, folks raising funds at their work place, people offering to match donation funds, an amazing number of willing volunteers, an outpouring of support through supply and cash donations — so much support! We are so proud to belong to a community of fierce animal advocates!

Things are moving very fast and there are a lot of moving parts to what we are going through right now, so please bear with us during this ever-changing situation. We will do our best to keep you up-to-date as much as we can. Here are a few updates and answers to some questions – as well as more details about how YOU can help!

1) Just a reminder that we are closed to the public today for regular shelter business. We will remain closed until Tuesday, September 6th.

2) We had an overwhelming outpouring of support from those who have offered to volunteer. We are unable to accept any more applications at this time, but we will open it back up as soon as we can accommodate more help. Thank you to all of you giving up your time to help us care for these dogs.

3) Supplies are still needed. We could use towels, pee pads, small dog kibble, and canned food most of all, but you will find our entire wish list here at – that page has links to our Amazon and Chewy wish lists as well as a downloadable pdf for reference.

4) Even though we are closed to the public, you may still drop supplies at 18841 Kelleher Rd between 11 am and 4 pm, or have them mailed to us if coming from online. We’ll have a bin out front and we’ll empty it throughout the day.

5) Cash donations are also very helpful so that we may buy grooming equipment, medication, and/or pay for medical care as needed. We are asking folks to please make donations in Deputy Anne Jackson’s name to our annual Anne Jackson Memorial Walk fund. Deputy Jackson was killed in the line of duty 14 years ago yesterday. She was a huge supporter of HSSV and a wonderful animal lover and we can think of no better way to honor her memory than to collect donations in her name on behalf of these animals in desperate need. 100% of those funds will go directly toward helping these dogs. Make your donation here:…/2022-deputy-anne…

6) Continue to share the news with friends, family, co-workers, and businesses. We could use all the help we can possibly get!

Thanks again for all the support you’ve shown us over the past 24 hours. We are truly blessed with such a generous and kind-hearted community of animal rescue warriors!