The Humane Society of Skagit Valley (HSSV) Barn Buddy Program was established to find feline-friendly homes for cats who, for various reasons, would not do well as indoor only companion pets and are considered unadoptable through our standard adoption process. Cats who are placed into our Barn Buddy Program fall in these main categories:
- Cats who were found as strays who are assessed to be unsuitable for an indoor only life. These cats may have demonstrated behavior such as being overly feisty, extremely shy/fearful of people, extremely independent, or shown other behavior indicating an indoor only life would not be suitable for them.
- Owner surrendered cats who lived or spent considerable time outside who are unable to adapt to indoor life.
- Owner surrendered cats who were indoor cats but exhibit behavior that make them more suitable as an outdoor or indoor/outdoor cat.

Rodent Control Technicians will do Chores in Exchange for Room and Board
These cats need a safe home in a barn, stable, farmhouse, shop, other outbuilding, or sheltered
porch where they can live an outdoor or indoor/outdoor life. Some of these cats are very people friendly, some start out shy and fearful but over time become friendly, and others might remain fearful of people and prefer the company of other cats. To the extent possible, we try to find a good match between Barn Buddy cats and their adopters. In most cases, we recommend that at least two cats are adopted together – ideally cats who have formed a bond or at least get along with each other. They can provide each other with companionship and help keep one another safe, plus they can snuggle together to help keep warm. Adopting two or more cats together also helps to ensure a successful transition where they accept and stay at their new home. Over time, with care and attention, these cats may become quite affectionate.
Download our Barn Buddy Program helpful pdf with tips on how to care for your barn buddies, and to meet a few barn buddy “Happy New Beginnings” by clicking the download button now. Questions? Email us at shelter@skagithumane.org and we’ll be glad to help!