How Will You Be Remembered?
Planned giving, also known as gift planning or legacy giving, enables you to make a gift to HSSV that will endure for many, many years to come. Some gifts provide our shelter with years and years of income that will allow us to continue our mission and good works well into the future.
What will your legacy be?
Including the Humane Society of Skagit Valley in your estate plans makes a powerful statement about you as an advocate for animals in need. Remembering us in your Will, Trust, or other estate plans allows us to continue to offer the many life-saving services we have made our mission and will make an impact for decades to come.
Ways to Give:
- Including us with a gift in your will or revocable trust
- A life-income gift that names the HSSV as a remainder beneficiary, such as a charitable remainder trust, or a charitable gift annuity
- A gift or assignment of qualified retirement plan assets, such as an IRA, 401(k) or 403(b)
- A gift of life insurance
- As a beneficiary of a bank account
How to make your planned gift giving easy:
Contact your Financial Advisor for more information about the various types of planned giving and how to implement the method of choice that works best for you. If you need help finding a Financial Advisor who handles planned giving, we can recommend a few we have worked with in the past. Just reach out to our Executive Director and she would be happy to put you in touch with someone who can help.