Lost Pet Report

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Pet Information

Indicate the color of the collar, what tags your pet was wearing, what, if anything was printed on them, etc.
Are there any distinguishing marks or special characteristics that would set your pet apart from others of the same breed?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please attach a picture if available. Providing a clear picture will greatly increase the chances that you will be contacted if your pet shows up at the shelter. Files allowed: jpg, gif, png. NOTE: if you have issues uploading a file, you can email the photo to: info@skagithumane.org and let them know you submitted a report without a photo.

Owner Information


Disclosure Agreement

I understand that my submission of a Lost Pet Report does not guarantee that I will be contacted if my missing pet is impounded at HSSV. I assume responsibility for following up on the receipt of this Lost Pet Report and reviewing found animals at HSSV in person.