2020 Photos

Register now!

The more pledges you collect, the better your chances of winning, all while supporting the Humane Society of Skagit Valley!

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Win great prizes!

 We’ll have first, second, and third place prizes for those who collect the most in pledges. Prizes are as follows:

1st Place:

“Super Staycation”

  • Overnight stay at Swinomish Casino & Lodge
  • $75 dining credit at the Swinomish restaurant, 13 Moons
  • Gift card to Rockfish Bar & Grill
  • Two tickets to Anacortes Cinema

2nd Place:

“Movie Date Night”

  • $50 dining credit to Red Robin Restaurant
  • 2 movie passes to AMC Cinema

3rd Place

“Coffee Lovers Basket”

  • Gift card to Starbucks
  • Insulated coffee tumbler
  • Assorted coffee-related goodies